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Providing Products & Services Tailored to Diverse Customer Needs

Initiatives to comply with Japan’s Disabilities Discrimination Act


On April 1, 2016, the Act for Eliminating Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities* came into effect. Sompo Japan has long provided brochures and application forms that comply with universal design standards. We are developing company-wide initiatives, reviewing details to be considered during each process, such as contract and payment procedures, the physical environment such as our offices and our customer consultation system, as well as our internal training system. We will continue our efforts to provide products and services that take into consideration the conditions of customers, such as difficulty in seeing and hearing.

  • The official name of this legislation is the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities. This legislation aims to create a society in which people with and without disabilities can live together while mutually respecting each other's individuality. It prohibits unfair discrimination on the basis of any disability, and requires reasonable consideration to be given to persons with disabilities.

Sign showing hearing disability assistance posted at the Headquarters Building and other office buildings

Promoting Empowerment and Respect for LGBTQ+ Persons


With lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans-gendered (LGBTQ+) persons comprising approximately 8% of the Japanese population,*1 Japanese society has been moving quickly to address LGBTQ+ issues.
The Group is working to support LGBTQ+ employees in reaching their full potential while delivering products and services that support LGBTQ+ customers.

As part of internal initiatives, Sompo Japan revised its benefit programs to enable employees with a same-sex partner to be regarded as a spouse for the purpose of receiving allowances and condolence money, taking congratulatory or condolence leaves, and using various welfare services. To deepen employee understanding, the company distributed educational materials and workbooks to all workplaces and held LGBTQ+ study sessions. Furthermore, the company added a curriculum to its annual Sustainability and Human Rights Training program to promote understanding of LGBTQ+ issues for all employees in fiscal 2015.

Through these efforts, employees who acquired the basic knowledge of LGBTQ+ and became a good understanding and supporting person (ALLY) in the workplace are positively posting ALLY declaration cards and stickers. By visualizing the declaration, we aim to promote the understanding of LGBTQ+ in the workplace as well as to ensure peace of mind for the parties. The company is also engaged in ERG (Employee Resource Group) activities that are open to all genders, helping promote a comfortable and satisfying work environment and corporate culture as well as a network amongst employees. In addition, starting in fiscal 2019, the company is participating in LGBTQ+ Finance, a voluntary organization of financial companies working on LGBTQ+ policies, to build external networks and hold external exchange meetings.

In fiscal 2024, SOMPO Holdings and Sompo Japan co-sponsored the 2024 Tokyo Rainbow Pride and participated in a booth exhibition.

Sompo Himawari Life provides an abbreviated process for confirming the relationship between insured persons and their same-sex partners when their partners are designated as beneficiaries; the process includes submitting a copy of their certificate of partnership such as a certification issued by Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward, which recognizes same-sex partnerships. Also, Sompo Japan reexamined the definition of spouse in insurance products and included "same-sex partner" as spouse.
We will continue our work to embrace LGBTQ+ and other values as we strive to realize a society that gives everyone equal opportunity.

  1. Japanese Trade Union Confederation, Survey on awareness regarding LGBTQ+ in the workplace in 2016
  • We use LGBTQ+ as a general term for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGIE) minorities.

ALLY declaration cards

Academic Continuation Support Service

Products & Service

Due to the recent deterioration of the economic situation, there are cases where parents are giving up on sending their children to private schools or transferring their children from private schools to public schools.
Sompo Japan provides “Academic Continuation Support Service,'' which aims to create an environment where students can study with peace of mind until graduation. This service is provided by Private school studentship study support insurance service Ltd., which is funded by Nichinoken Kanto, Yotsuyaotsuka, and SKG Services, to support the formulation of tuition reduction/exemption regulations for private elementary, junior high, and high schools. Based on this provision, Sompo Japan will pay the exempted amount as insurance money to schools that have actually waived tuition fees and other payments. (Number of contracts in 2022: 3)

Travel Insurance for Foreign Travelers Visiting Japan

Products & Service

Sompo Japan is the first insurer to develop and launch a travel insurance product for visitors that can be purchased by foreign travelers after they arrive in Japan.
This policy is for businesses in Japan that provide goods and services to foreign travelers, and covers medical expenses, etc., for illness or injury of foreign travelers during their stay in Japan.


Foreign travelers visiting Japan who fall ill or sustain injuries are often unsure of where to go to receive medical treatment, charged high medical fees due to not having health insurance, and encounter communication difficulties. These issues make it difficult to seek help, leaving foreign travelers feeling anxious. Given that foreign travel insurance is not prevalent in a number of countries and regions, following numerous consultations with the tourism-related government agencies, we have developed our own travel insurance for visitors that can be purchased after arriving in Japan even if travelers have not purchased insurance beforehand in their home country, aiming to ensure their peace of mind and security.

Outline of product and service

The travel insurance for visitors covers the cost of treating illnesses or injuries sustained while they are in Japan. The policy, sold only on the internet, can be purchased easily by foreign travelers using their smart phones via a website that is available in English, Chinese, and Korean.

Services are provided in collaboration with a company that specializes in providing medical assistance. Insured parties can receive cashless consultations at approximately 1,200 medical institutions. We also set up a dedicated call center manned by staff with medical knowledge so that foreign travelers can receive treatment with peace of mind.

<Service outline>

●Medical Assistance Service (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

  1. Arrangement of medical institutions
    We introduce medical facilities from approximately 1,200 partner medical institutions in Japan, mainly in major cities and tourist destinations.
  2. Cashless treatment
    Cashless treatment is available at partner medical institutions.
  3. Medical Interpretation
    Call center staff with medical expertise will provide three-way calls in English, Chinese, and Korean.

●Dedicated call center, affiliated applications and websites

General interpretation services, transportation information, tourist information, restaurant introduction services, etc., are provided.

Going forward

Sompo Japan will continue to contribute to the safety and security of foreign travelers by providing highly convenient products and services through inbound-related businesses such as travel agencies, lodging businesses, railroad and passenger carriers, and event businesses.

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