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Information Disclosure

The Group has established a basic disclosure policy and strives to disclose information in an appropriate and timely manner to ensure that its various stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, and other investors, have a correct understanding of the Sompo Holdings Group’s management and other initiatives.

Basic Disclosure Policy

The Sompo Holdings Group (the "Group") shall prescribe this Basic Policy based on Basic Policy on Internal Controls in order to promptly disclose the clear and accurate information on the group’s business standing and status of various efforts so that its customers, shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders can obtain the information equally, and to make it useful for them.

Annual Report

We prepare an annual report to clearly explain the SOMPO Group’s corporate profile, management policies, and business performance.
You can view the entire annual report on the SOMPO Holdings website.

Briefings for Investors and Analysts

The Company regularly holds briefings for investors and analysts. The presentation materials used in these briefings are made available to all interested parties on the Company’s corporate website.
IR meetings are held twice a year and in principle, attended by the Group CEO and the senior management team. These meetings involve presentations and Q&A sessions. Opportunities are also arranged for the senior management team, to take part in discussions with domestic and overseas investors.
Through such dialogue, the Company is able to appropriately explain its management policies and other topics to investors and also provide the Board of Directors and the senior management team with timely feedback about investor interests and concerns, which in turn contributes to the formulation of management strategies and the execution of operations.

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