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Nursing Care

Providing a wide range of
high-quality nursing care
services to support
the ❝security, health and
wellbeing❞ of customers.

The Sompo Care Group mainly comprises Sompo Care Inc. which is capable of providing a wide range of care from facilities to at-home care. The Sompo Care Group provide the high quality nursing care services to meet the diverse needs of the elderly and their families.

Features and strengths of the nursing care business

* Sompo Care Inc. and Sompo Care Next Inc. merged on July 1, 2018.


SOMPO Care turns its senior residences into Multigeneration Interaction Bases for Communities: Operation of SOMPO-style Children's Cafeteria Launched! (November 2022)

Sompo Care Inc. launched operation of SOMPO-style Children's Cafeteria from November 2022 in senior residences, including at assisted living homes established nationwide. Creating opportunities for residents and children to interact and making Sompo Care senior residences bases for multigenerational interaction for community residents will make residents lively and happier, and foster further job satisfaction among employees, as well as aim to contribute to social issues encompassing children.
By providing children with new experiences and places through the operation of SOMPO-style Children's Cafeteria, Sompo Care is also taking on the challenge of fostering an aspiration among children by getting them to learn about the job of nursing care while coming into contact with Sompo Care employees.

“egaku”, a solution utilizing real data in nursing care by Sompo Care, won the "BEST SMART CARE TECHNOLOGY -OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTION (STAFF)" award at the 11th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards received

At the awards, Sompo Care introduced "egaku, "* a solution developed to address the gap between the supply and demand of nursing care, which is a current significant social issue in Japan. This solution collects and analyzes real data generated in nursing care facilities to realize "visualization of care" and "predictive care", and aims to improve the quality of life (QOL) of the elderly by enabling optimal service provision and maintaining and improving the quality of care services. In addition, by identifying "waste," "unevenness," and "unreasonableness" in care operations through “egaku,” it is expected to promote operational improvements, reduce the workload of staff, and increase their productivity. The "egaku" initiative was highly evaluated as a solution that envisions the future of nursing care, and won the top prize.

Moreover, in the "INNOVATION OF THE YEAR -RESPONSE TO COVID-19 (INFECTION CONTROL)" category, Sompo Care's response to the spread of the new coronavirus also received the second prize from the same award.

【SOMPO CARE】 Acquisition of all shares of NEXUS CARE, Inc. (to be a subsidiary) (April 2022)

SOMPO CARE acquired all shares of NEXUS CARE, Inc. as of 1st April 2022 to make it a subsidiary. 
NEXUS CARE operates 9 nursing homes and 7 residences with nursing care for the elderly mainly in Sapporo, Sendai and the Tokyo metropolitan area.
As a result of this acquisition, we will strive further growth as a long-term care operator, and ensuring sustainable service provision system by strengthening cooperation between long-term care, nursing care and medical care in the community.

The website "Anna-Konna" by Sompo Care received the 2020 Good Design Award (October 2020)

"Anna-Konna by Sompo care: Find Hints for Dementia Care" received the 2020 GOOD DESIGN AWARD (sponsored by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion). Sompo Care offers the website by aiming to offer support to and share its knowledge and expertise with caregivers who provide homecare for the people with Dementia.
"Anna-Konna" introduces ideas and hints of Sompo Care’s staff based on Sompo Care’s unique method for dementia care to aim to solve the problems of the persons who support the member with dementia in their families.
Sompo Care will continue to support people with dementia and those who have problems with dementia care in Japan, a super-aging society, by widely opening specific knowledge and know-how on dementia care to the public.

Developed “SOMPO Smile Program for Brain & Physical Health”, a Program for Reducing the risk of cognitive impairment (July 2020)

SOMPO developed "SOMPO Smile Program for Brain & Physical Health" by aiming to prevent cognitive decline by improving the lifestyle of older people under the supervision of The National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology and Professor Kivipelto of Karolinska Institutet. The Program is the world's first nationwide social implementation program as a “FINGER Study-based Dementia prevention program” officially approved by Professor Kivipelto. SOMPO aims to reduce the risk of dementia in Japan by expanding the program all over Japan.

  • FINGER Study: An intervention trial on the prevention of cognitive impairment among the elderly, initiated in Finland. The study was the first in the world to indicate that multi-domain intervention with exercise, diet, cognitive training and management of vascular/metabolic risk factors was effective in reducing the risk of cognitive impairment. It was conducted on 1,260 at risk people from the general population.

Implementation of the SOMPO Dementia Support Program

In order to address various social issues surrounding dementia, Sompo Holdings has been implementing the SOMPO Dementia Support Program since October 2018 as a Group-wide initiative aiming “to build a society that strives to prevent dementia and enables people to continue living long and happy lives with dignity as individuals, even after being diagnosed with dementia.” Through this initiative, Sompo Holdings seeks to realize its Group Management Philosophy, “We will strive to contribute to the security, health, and wellbeing of our customers and society as a whole by providing insurance and related services of the highest quality possible.” Sompo Holdings' Group companies have been marketing products and services such as SOMPO Egao Club Dementia Support Service, which provides checking tools for cognitive capabilities and offers services that help to prevent cognitive decline; Egao Wo Mamoru Dementia Insurance, an insurance product which pays a one-time insurance benefit when the insured is diagnosed with both MCI and dementia ; and Oyako No Chikara, an insurance product that enables people to avoid having to resign from work to provide nursing care to aging parents. Concurrently, Sompo Holdings has been conducting researches on dementia, as well as Dementia awareness and support activities.

Launch of “Future Care Lab in Japan”—a Project to Create New Nursing Care Services Through Collaboration Between People and Technology

Sompo Holdings and Sompo Care have established Future Care Lab in Japan (“Future Care Lab”), a research facility that will conduct activities such as demonstration trials of cutting-edge technologies from around the world. The Future Care Lab will effectively harness ICT and digital technology and reimagine what people should really be doing when they provide nursing care. In the process, the Future Care Lab will propose new ways of providing nursing care services through collaboration between people and technology. By verifying the reliability and safety of technologies at the Future Care Lab, the Sompo Holdings Group will deploy effective technologies to the nursing care service sites, with the aim of enhancing the quality and productivity of nursing care services. As a result, the Sompo Holdings Group will help to alleviate the supply-demand gap for nursing care personnel, build a sustainable nursing care business model and realize a sustainable society where the elderly can live with peace of mind.

Group companies

Sompo Care Inc.

Sompo Care Inc. is dedicated to supporting your daily life always – wherever you want to live.

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