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ESG Data

General Information on ESG Data

To identify our ESG-related issues, we have conducted ESG surveys targeting our Group companies since fiscal year 2011. The tables below show our major ESG data, as obtained from the survey results. The survey is conducted on Sompo Holdings and its consolidated companies in and outside Japan.

●Organizations surveyed in FY2022
Company Name
Sompo Holdings, Inc.
Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
Sompo Japan Partners Inc.
Mysurance Inc.
Sompo International Holdings Ltd.
Endurance Specialty Insurance Ltd.
Endurance Assurance Corporation
Endurance Worldwide Insurance Limited
SI Insurance (Europe), SA
Sompo Sigorta Anonim Sirketi
Sompo Holdings (Asia) Pte. Ltd.
Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad
Sompo Seguros S.A.
Sompo Himawari Life Insurance Inc.
Sompo Care Inc.
ND Software Co.,Ltd.
Sompo Warranty Inc.
SOMPO Light Vortex Inc.
Sompo Asset Management Co.,Ltd.
Sompo Japan DC Securities Inc.
Sompo Risk Management Inc.
Sompo Health Support Inc.
Other 52 companies

●Scope of the report and coverage ratio

Scope of the report by category Coverage ratio based on sales revenue
Consolidated companies in Japan Sompo Japan 67.1% 52.9% 100%
Other group companies 14.2%
Overseas consolidated companies 32.9% 32.9%

(Notes)Formula for coverage ratio

To disclose ESG data that includes our consolidated subsidiaries engaged in various types of businesses (including insurance and financial business, and nursing care business), this report uses sales revenues as the basis to calculate coverage ratios.

●Reporting period

[1]Companies with head office in Japan
Unless otherwise stated, data reported are for fiscal year 2022 (April 2022 to March 2023).

[2]Companies other than [1]
Unless otherwise stated, data reported are for calendar year 2022 (January to December 2022).

●Changes in the scope of ESG data acquisition

FY2021:Expansion of the scope of data acquisition through the acquisition of Diversified Crop Insurance Services (2020)

FY2022:Expansion of the scope of data acquisition through establishment of SOMPO Light Vortex (2021) and acquisition of ND Software (2022)

Group Employee Data

●Number of employees (by employment status)
Item Male Female Total
Regular employees 20,651 28,406 49,057
Temporary employees 1,501 12,717 14,218
Total 22,152 41,123 63,275
●Number of employees (by region)
Item Japan Asia & Middle East Europe & North・South America Total
Regular employees 41,590 1,586 5,881 49,057
Temporary employees 14,159 13 46 14,218
Total 55,749 1,599 5,927 63,275


1.Number of employees by region(except Japan) is calculated based on the locations of consolidated companies under Sompo International.

2.Employees of Sompo Holdings, Sompo Japan, Sompo Himawari Life, and Sompo Care of which 99.54% are Japanese nationals, 0.43% are Asian nationals, and 0.03% are U.S. or European nationals.

Reporting of Greenhouse Gas (GHG)

  • Since fiscal year 2012 we have been receiving annual third-party verification by a certification body.
  • Although maximum attention is paid to accuracy and validity, calculation methods that are considered to be reasonable and versatile are adopted for activities for which quantification is difficult.
  • The scope of calculation is as indicated by the coverage ratio and the list of reporting companies for each data item.
  • Scope 1 emissions, as appearing in the data below, are direct GHG emissions from sources owned or controlled by the Group, such as emissions from the use of gas and gasoline. Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions resulting from the generation at power stations and other external sites of electricity and heat that are purchased by the Group. Scope 3 emissions are indirect GHG emissions other than Scope 2 emissions that are generated in any part of the value chain of the Group.
  • The table below shows activity items subject to calculation.
Scope Category Activity items subject to calculation
Scope 1 Direct emissions City gas consumption, class A heavy oil consumption, kerosene consumption, LPG consumption, fuel consumption by company fleets
Scope 2 Indirect emissions from energy sources Electricity consumption, heat (steam) consumption
Scope 3 Category1 Purchased goods & services Paper consumption, servers, municipal water
Category3 Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 and 2 City gas consumption, class A heavy oil consumption, kerosene consumption, LPG consumption, fuel consumption by company fleets, electricity consumption, heat (steam) consumption
Category4 Upstream transportation&distribution Mail, home delivery, interoffice mail, office relocation, employee residence relocation
Category5 Waste generated in operations Industrial waste, general waste
Category6 Business travel Domestic (trips, new appointments, overnight or longer stays), international (trips, new appointments, overnight or longer stays)
Category7 Employee commuting Train, bus, private car
Category15 Investments(Equities) Listed equity
Investments(Bonds) Publicly traded corporate bonds

Environmental Performance Data

●Environmental Data
Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Companies covered Third Party Assurance
Consolidated companies in Japan Overseas consolidated companies
Sompo Japan Other group companies
GHG (Scope 1-3) Total (excluding Scope 3 Category 15) t-CO2e 297,974 265,156 233,962 239,554
GHG (Scope 1) t-CO2e 34,763 30,354 26,663 28,209
GHG (Scope 2) t-CO2e 148,343 141,274 120,251 116,611
GHG (Scope 3) Total(excluding Category 15) t-CO2e 114,868 93,527 87,048 94,734
Category1 t-CO2e 15,198 12,975 11,151 12,893
Category3 t-CO2e 32,057 30,467 27,935 27,741
Category4 t-CO2e 16,097 15,096 11,810 11,207
Category5 t-CO2e 14,335 13,351 13,247 15,192
Category6 t-CO2e 21,960 6,514 7,457 15,305
Category7 t-CO2e 15,220 15,124 15,448 12,395
Category15 Equities t-CO2e 1,013,157 948,530 931,821 -
Bonds t-CO2e 1,059,379 906,207 909,893 -
Total GHG emissions per employee t-CO2e 4.66 4.22 3.78 3.79
City gas consumption m3-N 3,540,788 3,308,645 3,533,791 3,587,303
Class A heavy oil consumption kℓ 195 193 161 21
Kerosene consumption kℓ 243 229 274 223
LPG consumption t 1,730 1,649 259 258
Fuel consumption by company fleets kℓ 8,571 7,050 7,069 7,400
Electricity consumption kWh 304,203,466 297,620,074 276,342,950 269,387,782
Heat (steam) consumption MJ 92,018,627 91,529,224 89,600,884 93,542,484
Paper consumption t 8,129 6,821 5,771 6,157
Clean water usage kℓ 349,465 247,222 1,727,914 3,089,640
Wastewater discharge kℓ 326,872 223,481 1,747,207 3,064,254
Total amount of waste generated t 16,958 13,916 13,378 14,689
Amount of waste recycled t 4,816 3,253 3,496 3,423
Amount of non-recycled waste (total amount disposed) t 12,142 10,663 9,883 11,266
Breakdown by disposal method landfill t 14 25 313 13
Incineration (with thermal) t 12,128 10,638 9,491 11,002
Incineration (without thermal) t 0 0 75 10
Other Dispositions t 0 0 4 240
Disposal method unknown t 0 0 0 0
Total floor space m2 1,517,474 1,499,409 1,465,009 1,398,415
Share of green purchasing % 52.2% 52.3% 47.0% 45.9%
Human development of environmental field Attendees of Public Seminars on the Environment Persons 1,173 7,176 5,610 7,146 - - -
Participants of CSO Learning Program Persons 55 43 78 75 - - -
Participants of SAVE JAPAN Project Persons 2,652 1,502 907 2,517 - - -


1.The Group has been received an annual Assurance Statement by a third-party certification organization.
The coverage of the survey is Sompo Holdings, Inc., and main consolidated subsidiaries, and in the process of data collection in FY2022, we reviewed and recalculated the data collected and calculated prior to FY2021.

2.Total floor space includes the results of Sompo Holding and its domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries, excluding Sompo Care.

3.The "Public Seminars on the Environment" has shifted from a traditional face-to-face format to an online program from FY2020 onward.

4.The number of participants in the "SAVE JAPAN Project" includes participants in online-type events.

●GHG emissions from investments and loans, and insurance underwriting
We calculate the GHG emissions*1 of the companies to which our group invest and underwrite, using a calculation method developed by the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF).

  1. Numerical data may be revised retroactively due to revisions to published data and calculation methods, etc.
  • GHG emissions from investments and loans*2
Asset class Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Equities GHG emission*3 t-CO2e 1,013,157 948,530 931,821 867,087
Intensity*4 t-CO2e
/100 million yen
105.79 64.55 76.41 75.36
Weighted Average Carbon Intensity(WACI)*5 t-CO2e
/Million USD
119.60 100.58 125.05 115.25
Bonds GHG emission*3 t-CO2e 1,059,379 906,207 909,893 776,074
Intensity*4 t-CO2e
/100 million yen
91.86 73.52 76.24 66.38
Weighted Average Carbon Intensity(WACI)*5 t-CO2e
/Million USD
121.07 133.77 167.04 128.13

*2 Calculated for Scope 1 and Scope 2 of listed equities and corporate bonds in Japan and overseas using data provided by MSCI ESG Research. (Coverage: 84 % of listed equities and 81% of corporate bonds in FY2022 on a market value basis.)

*3 GHG emissions are our company's share of the investee's EVIC (Enterprise Value Including Cash) base.

*4 Intensity is the amount of GHG emissions per unit of investment. The amount of investment in overseas business is calculated in yen using the exchange rate in 2019 (base year).

*5 WACI is the weighted average of GHG emissions per unit of sales for each investee's portfolio holdings. The WACI calculation method has changed from the 2021 figures.

  • GHG emissions from insurance underwriting(Insurance-Associated Emissions)*6
Portfolio Unit FY2022
Commercial Sector t-CO2e 390,391

*6 Calculated for Scope 1 and Scope 2 for companies that hold shares in Sompo Japan's insurance underwriting clients, using data provided by MSCI ESG Research (Coverage: 68.83%, Data Quality Score:1.00 in FY2022, on net premiums written basis).

  • This report contains information (the “Information”) sourced from MSCI Inc., its affiliates or information providers (the “MSCI Parties”) and may have been used to calculate scores, ratings or other indicators. The Information is for internal use only, and may not be reproduced/redisseminated in any form, or used as a basis for or a component of any financial instruments or products or indices.
    The MSCI Parties do not warrant or guarantee the originality, accuracy and/or completeness of any data or Information herein and expressly disclaim all express or implied warranties, including of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
    The Information is not intended to constitute investment advice or a recommendation to make (or refrain from making) any investment decision and may not be relied on as such, nor should it be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future performance, analysis, forecast or prediction.
    None of the MSCI Parties shall have any liability for any errors or omissions in connection with any data or Information herein, or any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.

Social Performance Data

●Social Performance Data
Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Companies covered Third Party Assurance
Consolidated companies in Japan Overseas consolidated companies
Sompo Japan Other group companies
Executive or higher Male Persons 214 188 355 348
Female Persons 16 19 35 45
Total Persons 230 207 390 393
Department manager level or higher but lower than executive Male Persons 837 821 1,103 1,075
Female Persons 164 178 229 244
Total Persons 1,001 999 1,332 1,319
Section manager level or higher but lower than department manager level Male Persons 2,642 3,014 3,926 4,015
Female Persons 794 1,060 1,614 1,748
Total Persons 3,436 4,074 5,540 5,763
Ratio of female employees in managerial positions % 23.8% 24.2% 26.8% 28.1%
Share of female in management positions in revenue-generating functions % 18.0% 22.0% 24.1% 25.5%
Share of female in STEM-related positions % 36.9% 32.2% 41.0% 33.8%
Ratio of employees with disabilities % 2.29% 2.42% 2.45% 2.41%
Union membership rate % 98.0% 98.0% 97.9% 97.9%
Total number of new employee hires Male Persons 1,590 1,243 1,641 1,943
Female Persons 4,504 3,720 3,896 4,631
Total Persons 6,094 4,963 5,537 6,574
Managerial position Persons 60 41 149 190
Non-managerial position Persons 6,034 4,922 5,388 6,384
Total Persons 6,094 4,963 5,537 6,574
Percentage of job openings filled by internal candidates % 100% 100% 100% 100%
Rate of internal promotion to management % - - - 93.8%
Number of employees who took childcare leave Male Persons 377 443 516 472
Female Persons 2,045 2,090 2,005 2,035
Total Persons 2,422 2,533 2,521 2,507
Average number of days taken off work for childcare leave by employees Male Days 5.6 6.8 8.6 18.6
Female Days 183.0 183.6 178.8 183.3
Total Days 155.4 152.7 144.0 152.3
Number of employees who took childcare support system(Shorter work hour system +Earlier / later work hour system) Persons 2,724 2,839 2,900 2,965
Number of employees who took family care leave Male Persons 50 22 32 36
Female Persons 90 70 71 74
Total Persons 140 92 103 110
Gender wage gap(Average female wage/average male wage) All employees % - - - 45.5%
Regular employment % - - - 52.0%
non-regular employment % - - - 50.8%
Number of employees using telecommuting system Persons 13,241 31,008 28,769 26,036
Number of employees who used flextime work system Persons 2,354 4,333 3,941 3,889
Ratio of flextime work system use % 6.8% 12.3% 11.6% 11.5%
Ratio of paid vacation use % 67.0% 70.8% 72.9% 76.0%
Occupational accident frequency rate - 5.71 6.07 5.44 5.22
Total days lost due to absenteeism Days 63,690 59,980 59,037 79,569
Absentee Rate % 0.42% 0.39% 0.39% 0.51%
Ratio of overtime work % 10.9% 10.4% 11.2% 11.3%
Employee turnover rate(all) Total % 11.2% 10.5% 11.5% 12.0%
Of these, voluntary % 8.3% 7.8% 8.0% 9.3%
Employee turnover rate (Excluding Nursing Care Business) Total % 7.9% 6.8% 9.1% 9.7%
Of these, voluntary % 4.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.5%
Employee turnover rate (Nursing Care Business only) Total % 18.0% 17.3% 15.7% 15.9%
Of these, voluntary % 17.2% 16.5% 15.0% 15.4%
Ratio between CEO compensation and employee average compensation Total CEO compensation Million JPY 326 400 432 477
Employee compensation
(average amount)
JPY 11,069,985 11,090,287 11,284,115 12,319,899
Ratio Times 29.4 36.1 38.3 38.7
Employee Engagement Japan Point 3.27 3.34 3.46 3.50
Response Rate - 52.0% 76.0% 72.0%
Overseas Point 3.81 4.02 4.02 4.12
Response Rate - - 91.1% 98.0%
Percentage of respondents reporting high employee engagement Japan % - 11.0% 15.0% 17.0%
Overseas % - - 36.0% 48.0%
Total % - 11.0% 17.8% 19.4%
Customer Satisfaction Rate % 89.1% 89.1% 89.2% 88.7%
Number of volunteers from employees Persons 39,297 29,730 5,814 5,958
Social Contribution JPY 2,031,288,146 1,830,737,862 1,467,676,195 1,676,276,065


1.We count the number of male and female employees by position, in FY2019 and FY2020 the number of employees in domestic consolidated companies and overseas consolidated companies, and from FY2021 onwards the number of employees in domestic group companies and overseas consolidated companies.

2.We count the share of women in management positions responsible for revenue-generating functions among managers in departments involved in the output of products and services, such as sales, with the exception of support departments such as HR, legal, and IT.

3.We count STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) related employees who have skills on mathematic or IoT such as actuaries, web developer, etc.

4.We calculate the gender wage gap based on the provisions of the "Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life" (Law No. 64, 2015).

5.We have a provision for paid maternity and paternity leave over and above the legal requirement.

6.We use Q12 provided by Gallup in our engagement surveys.

7.Sompo Japan conducts customer satisfaction survey to customers who were involved in car accidents by sending them questionnaire upon insurance payment.

8.In FY2020, the total number of Group employees and agency employees participating was counted; In FY2021 and FY2022, due to a change in data aggregation methods, only the number of Group employees participating was counted.

9.Absentee Rate is a Total number of days lost due to absenteeism ÷ Number of scheduled working days per year ÷ Total number of employees × 100 at SOMPO Holdings and major domestic and overseas consolidated companies.

●Amount of Contributions to Initiatives in FY2022
We make monetary contribution to the following organizations as part of our commitment to initiatives in Japan and the world as well as to help resolve global social issues through business activities.

(Currency: JPY)

Purpose Addressing social issues by cooperating with below initiatives
Organization WBCSD UNGC Council for
Better Corporate
Amount of Contribution 11,314,000 1,110,000 220,000 3,057,901 1,481,266

Contributions to trade associations or tax-exempt trade associations are as follows.
FY2019: JPY 243,869,052; FY2020: JPY 156,266,712; FY2021: JPY 147,841,122;
FY2022: JPY 133,798,540

●Training & Development Inputs
Item Unit FY2021 FY2022 Companies covered
Consolidated companies in Japan Overseas consolidated companies
Sompo Japan Other group companies
Average hours per person of training and development Hours 5.38 9.48
Average amount spent per person on training and development JPY 7,591 20,088

(Notes)Data covers the amount of Sompo Japan and Himawari Life for FY2021, and for Sompo Holdings, Sompo Japan, Himawari Life, and Sompo Care for FY2022.

●Wage Ratio by Gender(by position)
Wages are determined in accordance with role-based ranks which reflect the role and responsibility of each employee. Ranking system is structured so employees will be promoted based on their roles, responsibilities and how much they have contributed to the Group’s performance.
The main reason for the difference in wages between men and women among regular workers is the relatively high wage levels of occupations (IT, digital, etc.) and the high ratio of men in managerial positions. If they are the same, we have a wage system in which there is no difference in wages due to gender.

Main job classifications FY2022 Companies covered
Consolidated companies in Japan Overseas consolidated companies
Sompo Japan Other group companies
Officers base salary only 112.7%
base salary + other cash incentives 90.1%
Managers base salary only 84.3%
base salary + other cash incentives 83.3%
Non-managerial positions base salary only 55.3%

(Notes)The wage ratio is the ratio of the average wage for women to the average wage for men.

Governance Data

●FY2022: Record of meetings of the Board of Directors, Nomination Committee, Audit Committee and Compensation Committee
Board of Directors meetings Held 14 times
Attendance: 100%
Nomination Committee Held 10 times
Attendance: 100%
Audit Committee Held 13 times
Attendance: 97.6%
Compensation Committee Held 11 times
Attendance: 100%

(Notes)In principle, all board members are required to attend all board of directors meeting.

●Compliance training
Item Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Companies covered
Consolidated companies in Japan Overseas consolidated companies
Sompo Japan Other group companies
Ratio of employees who received compliance training % 90.7% 93.9% 94.2% 92.8%

(Notes)Excluding the data of Sompo Care Inc.

●Initiatives to promote and establish awareness of and sensitivity to risks

Our group provides education for all executives and employees on risk management and compliance at the time of joining the company, and provides awareness and regular education of risk management.

・ Education for Employees:We provide basic knowledge on risk, risk assessment, and ERM, as well as education on our company's ERM frameworks.

・ Education for Executives:We regularly publish reports that describe major risk trends surrounding the Group and the views of risk departments, in order to enhance the management's sensitivity to risk. In addition, we conduct training on specific material risks at the occasion of regular meetings as appropriate.

●Cybersecurity oversight system
The Group established a risk control system based on the “Basic Policy on Sompo Group ERM (Strategic Risk Management)” set out by the Board of Directors, and classifies risks that may have a significant impact on the Group as “material risks”. The Group Chief Risk Officer (CRO) carries out an exhaustive assessment of risks of each business, regularly reports the risk management status to the Group ExCo, Board of Directors, etc. and verifies the efficacy of countermeasures taken. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is in charge of taking countermeasures for system failures, including cyberattacks, as material risk at the Group ERM Committee.
It is essential to address cyber risks that increase in response to technological advances and changes in the environment to deliver “security and health” which the Group values to customers, business partners, and shareholders. We also established the "Basic Policy on Group Cybersecurity", and are trying to establish an efficient and effective cyber risk management system for the entire Group based on the understanding that cybersecurity initiative is corporate social responsibility.
Moreover, we established a Cybersecurity Group as a specialized organization in the IT Strategy Planning Department to deal with cyber risks that are becoming more sophisticated and complicated every day, and are working on developing strategies and strengthening security across the Group. The major mission of this group of specialists is to jointly manage cyber risks with the persons responsible for cybersecurity at each Group company in both normal times and emergencies, and improve the levels of maturity on a Group-wide basis, while carrying the function of the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) of SOMPO Holdings.
We will closely align cybersecurity with business strategy and IT strategy, turn it into competitive advantage in each business, and realize digital transformation in a secure and safety manner.

●Customer privacy protection
Sompo Japan takes appropriate actions within the organization, such as treating what was recognized in the company as a complaint and reporting it to external related party. The table below shows the number of complaints for which we were able to confirm the facts out of the total complaints about customer privacy violation received in FY2022.

<FY2022: Number of complaints received about personal information>
Item Overview Number of complaints received
Misdelivery Delivery to the wrong person 15
Third party disclosure Disclosure of confidential information to third party without the prior consent 19
Other Personal information-related complaints other than the above 56
Annual total 90

The number of complaints received from the regulatory authority was zero regarding the above.

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