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Overview of Sustainability Communications and Policy

Overview of Sustainability Communication

We use the following tools to disseminate information to ensure our stakeholders understand our sustainability initiatives.

  • The The Annual Report (Integrated Report) has been prepared with the aim of having all shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders gain an understanding of the Company’s strategies and concrete initiatives to realize the Sompo Group’s Management Philosophy and Purpose (the reason for existence).It was prepared with reference to the International Integrated Reporting Framework*1 and METI’s Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation*2. It provides an easy-to-understand explanation of our business model and the value we deliver to our stakeholders.This report also serves as disclosure materials based on Article 271-25 of the Insurance Business Act and Article 210-10-2 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Insurance Business Act.
    1. An international corporate reporting framework by the Value Reporting Foundation that provides short-, medium-, and long-term value creation stories
    2. Guidance developed by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) to encourage companies and investors to deepen mutual understanding through information dis-closure and dialogue, thereby promoting collaborative value creation
  • The Sustainability Report and our Sustainability website provide details on our sustainability policies, plans and progress, and serves as communications tools to continuously improve our initiatives.
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