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Initiatives to Promote Uptake and Expansion of ESG Funds

Promoting Our ESG Funds

Products & Service

Sompo Asset Management offers an ESG fund to meet the needs of individual and institutional investors. The Sompo Japan Green Open fund, launched in September 1999, invests in companies that are proactive on the environment. It has grown to become one of the largest publicly offered ESG funds in Japan, with a net asset balance of 34.8 billion yen (as of End of May, 2023). Promoting investment in environmentally responsible companies is thought to give investors an indirect way to use their capital for environmental conservation. The fund also aims to promote environmental communication by conveying environmental information to investors, and facilitating feedback to the invested companies via surveys on their environmental management performance.

In November 2019, we held an event to commemorate the 20 year anniversary of the launch of the product, and many people from various fields participated, including the guest Tokutaro Nakai, Director-General for Environmental Policy, Ministry of the Environment.

Nobuhiro Kojima
President and CEO, Sompo Asset Management
(at the time)

Engagement through eco-funds

Sompo Risk Management conducts environmental management analysis for the ESG funds offered by Sompo Asset Management. With regard to the Sompo Japan Green Open Fund, Sompo Risk Management conducts an annual survey targeting around 800 companies to evaluate their environmental management performance and gives feedback about the analysis results.
We also provide environmental information in our communication with investors. The fund’s monthly performance report introduces outstanding environmental initiatives of our portfolio companies, while the quarterly newsletter includes environmental updates.
Through these environmental management analysis and engagement with businesses and investors, we are working to popularize and promote corporate sustainability initiatives.

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