Sustainability Governance
The Company has established a system of sustainability governance whereby Executive Officers and Senior Vice Presidents execute measures in line with Group-wide strategies and policies aimed at realizing SOMPO’s Purpose, and the Board of Directors monitors their performance.
The Group Chief Sustainability Officer (Group CSuO) is in overall charge of sustainability at the Group, and is responsible for formulating and executing strategies related to sustainable management, and for overseeing the sustainability functions of the entire Group.
With regard to the promotion structure, the Group Sustainable Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee") is positioned as the parent organization for promoting sustainability throughout the Group. The Committee, whose members include the sustainability officers and CSOs of Sompo Japan, Sompo International, Sompo Himawari Life, and Sompo Care, discusses and makes decisions on ESG issues, including climate change.
The Committee also drives the sustainability initiatives of the entire Group; to this end, it monitors the progress of and identifies potential issues in implementation plans formulated by Group companies to achieve materiality and KPIs.
By establishing a Climate Change Working Group and Sustainable Management Promotion Liaison Committee under the umbrella of the Committee, we are building a system to advance information sharing and policy implementation based on the consideration of individual issues and the content of the discussions of the Committee.
The matters discussed by the Committee are then presented to the Group Executive Committee, the Group’s highest executive committee, leading to higher quality decision-making. The Board of Directors (including at preliminary briefing meetings) also receives reports on the discussions held by Group ExCo, thereby increasing the effectiveness of its supervisory functions.
Most recent discussions and reports at the Committee
August 2023
- Progress of targets and metrics committed to under SOMPO Climate Action and status of initiatives
- Materiality KPIs
October 2023
- Policies for GHG reduction activities in and after FY2024 (Scope 1 to 3, Category 15 (including Investments and Loans))
- Targets for transition insurance in underwriting
February 2024
- Materiality and Non-Financial KPI System in the Next Medium-Term Management Plan
- Review of SOMPO Climate Action during the Current Medium-Term Management Plan period and initiatives for FY2024 and beyond
June 2024
- Revision of Policy for ESG-related Underwriting, Investments and Loans
- GHG emissions from insurance underwriting (Insurance-Associated Emissions)