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Nipponkoa Insurance (Unconsol.)

Net Premiums Written

Net Loss Ratio

Net Operating Expenses Ratio

Ordinary Profit

Net Income

Key Financial Indicators

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Fiscal Year FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013
Ordinary income (millions of yen) 859,978 819,445 895,408 897,046 868,809
% change (5.6) (4.7) 9.3 0.2 (3.1)
Net premiums written (millions of yen) 633,336 620,615 630,605 638,863 668,375
% change (3.1) (2.0) 1.6 1.3 4.6
Under writing profit (loss) (millions of yen) 2,293 (24,991) (41,118) 8,786 (29,725)
% change (57.9) (1,189.6) - - (438.3)
Ordinary profit (loss) (millions of yen) 29,384 (319) (7,737) 64,580 49,685
% change (101.1) (23.1)
Net income (loss) (millions of yen) 13,123 (6,437) (22,584) 33,332 22,173
% change 29.8 (149.1) (33.5)
Net loss ratio (%) 69.4 69.6 84.7 74.8 67.8
Net operating expenses ratio (%) 35.8 35.8 35.0 34.8 34.0
Interest and dividend income (millions of yen) 44,999 42,722 41,211 39,183 40,640
% change (12.0) (5.1) (3.5) (4.9) 3.7
Return on investments (income base) (%) 2.06 2.08 2.12 2.15 2.34
Return on investments (realized base) (%) 2.47 2.40 2.59 4.15 5.54
Common stock (millions of yen) 91,249 91,249 91,249 91,249 91,249
Number of shares outstanding (thousands) 752,453 752,453 752,453 752,453 752,453
Net assets (millions of yen) 433,642 365,539 329,580 440,100 450,797
Total assets (millions of yen) 2,592,464 2,459,190 2,337,631 2,293,170 2,260,231
Assets in saving-type account (millions of yen) 813,343 744,194 692,183 629,121 569,831
Underwriting reserves (millions of yen) 1,791,418 1,693,786 1,542,150 1,431,855 1,372,754
Loans (millions of yen) 227,417 200,717 196,512 188,452 157,267
Securities (millions of yen) 1,822,848 1,697,112 1,604,942 1,629,386 1,646,747
Non-consolidated solvency margin ratio (%) 742.5 642.9 470.8 534.0 653.0
Equity ratio (%) 16.7 14.9 14.1 19.2 19.9
Net assets per share (yen) 575.55 485.79 438.00 584.88 599.10
Dividends per share (yen) 8.00 16.87 48.52 14.93 12.25
Interim dividend per share (yen)
Net income per share (yen) 17.44 (8.55) (30.01) 44.29 29.46
Diluted net income per share (yen) 17.41
Return on equity (%) 3.4 (1.6) (6.5) 8.7 5.0
Payout ratio (%) 45.9 33.7 41.6
Employee headcount 8,883 10,488 11,485 10,877 10,268

1) Net loss ratio = (Net claims paid + Loss adjustment expenses) / Net premiums written
2) Net operating expenses ratio = (Net commissions and brokerage fees + Operating, general and administrative expenses related to underwriting) / Net premiums written
3) Return on investments (income base) = interest and dividend income (including amounts which correspond to interest and dividend income of investment gains and losses on money trusts)
/ average balances of investment assets based on the cost or the amortized cost
4) Investment return (realized base) = (Investment income + Interest and dividend income on deposits of premiums, etc. - Investment expenses) / average balances of investment assets based on the cost or the amortized cost
5) In the non-consolidated solvency margin ratios presented above, the figures for FY2010 and before and the figures for FY2011 and later are calculated on a different basis, reflecting the law revision concerning the standards for the calculation of solvency margin ratio that was enforced at the end of FY2011.
6) Diluted net income per share for FY2010 and FY2011 are not shown due to net loss per share and non-existence of dilutive shares. Diluted net income per share for FY2012 and FY2013 are not shown due to non-existence of dilutive shares.
7) Return on equity = Net income / Net assets (average balance at the end/start of each fiscal year)

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